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How to Write a Reflection Paper with an Example?

Reflection Paper
Eric Stelee
Last updated:
Jun 2, 2023
Jun 2, 2023

A prevalent assignment for college students, a reflective paper is required in nearly every subject, demanding the expression of personal opinions on specific topics. This guide aims to elucidate the process of how to write a reflection paper, offering examples and practical tips to streamline the paper writing journey.

Striking a balance between an academic tone and personal subjectivity is crucial in this genre. The objective is to analytically reflect on how experiences, academic tasks, articles, or lectures have influenced and shaped one's perspective and thoughts on a given subject. If you require more practical assistance, simply ask, ‘help me write a paper.’

What is a Reflection Paper?

A reflection paper definition describes this assignment as a type of task that enables a personalized approach, encouraging the expression of thoughts on a topic rather than presenting mere factual information. It serves as a platform for discussions ranging from your favorite movie to contemplations during a visit to the Grand Canyon or reflections on a specific theory of evolution. The reflective paper can take on various tones, including educational, professional, and personal, each with its distinct character:

  • Educational reflections respond to books, films, or lectures studied in class.
  • Professional reflections are common tasks for educators and social workers, centering on the analysis of an individual's behavior.
  • Personal reflections delve into feelings regarding more intimate subjects.

For additional inspiration, one can explore online examples of reflective essays for students, gaining valuable insights and ideas for their own writing endeavors.

reflective writing

Reflection Paper Outline

There are two methods for composing a reflective paper – a conventional approach and an unconventional (albeit somewhat risky) one:

  1. Articulate the primary idea through a thesis statement, expound on it in the body paragraphs with supporting arguments, and then reiterate the key points while reinforcing the thesis statement in the conclusion.
  2. Initiate a dialogue on the topic and allude to a potential conclusion. Anticipate the direction the subject might take, but leave room for uncertainties. Conduct an analysis in the body of the paper. Conclude with a realization that may deviate slightly or entirely from the initial expectations.

Now, let’s discover what parts a reflection paper consists of. Keep in mind that right now is the best time to opt for paper writing help from our experts.


The pivotal aspect of crafting a reflective paper lies in expressing your sentiments on a subject, emphasizing a balance between emotional resonance and academic decorum. Avoid excessive emotionality and ensure your ideas are presented in a rational manner, aligning with the academic style. Provide insight into what readers can anticipate in the upcoming paragraphs and encapsulate the central claim in a single sentence to captivate attention. The introduction should be informative, concise, and attention-grabbing. Consider posing a reflective question within the text and defer the thesis introduction until later in the narrative.


This section serves as the exploration ground for the thesis, employing a three-paragraph structure. In the initial paragraph, introduce the experience and elucidate its impact on you. Proceed to the next paragraph by comparing the experiences of others and conclude by conveying the lessons learned. Begin with the reasons for selecting the topic, delve into nuanced explanations, maintain logical coherence, and bolster your arguments with solid examples and sourced quotations. Explicitly illustrate how the subject has left its imprint on your perspective.


The paper's conclusion should exude solidity, leaving a lasting impression. It serves as the conclusive summary, affirming that your ideas have reached fruition. Conclude the discussion with emphasis, leaving readers with a lingering image of your experience for contemplation. Ensure the conclusion highlights key points, is impactful, and possesses persuasive force. Address the introductory question posed earlier in the text to provide a cohesive narrative arc. For more information, please consult our reflective essay outline guide.

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Reflection Paper Format

The reflection paper writing format is recognizable to anyone who has authored an academic paper. Follow these guidelines for an organized presentation:

  • Utilize standard A4 paper.
  • Maintain 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Use a 12-point font size.
  • Opt for a readable font such as Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, Helvetica, etc.
  • Ensure double spacing between lines.
  • Adhere to citation styles like APA, Chicago, etc., as specified by the instructor.
  • Target a word count ranging between 250 and 750.

These are the key considerations to bear in mind as you prepare to compose a reflective paper.

How to Start a Reflection Paper?

When you begin working on a reflection essay, the initial step involves thoroughly reading your chosen article, coupled with diligent note-taking. Whether you are reflecting on an activity, a book, a newspaper, or an academic essay, the goal is to highlight key ideas and concepts.

Commence the writing process by summarizing the main concepts derived from your notes and assessing whether your essay encapsulates all necessary information for the readers. Enhance the delivery of your ideas by incorporating charts, diagrams, and lists.

Upon completing the article review, enter the brainstorming phase using a straightforward technique. Answer fundamental questions like:

  • How did the article impact you?
  • Does the article effectively capture the reader's attention, or is there room for improvement?
  • Has the article prompted a shift in your perspective? If so, elaborate on the changes.
  • Does the article leave you with lingering questions?
  • Are there any critical issues that the article failed to address?
  • Can you connect the article to your past reading experiences?
  • Does the article align with or contradict your prior reading encounters?

Organize your thoughts resulting from this brainstorming session into a written outline for your future paper. This crucial step ensures a coherent flow and proper organization of your essay. Additionally, consider utilizing a 3-column chart or table to organize further and structure your ideas effectively.

How to Write a Reflection Paper?

How to Write a Reflection Paper

Step 1: Develop a Central Theme

Once you've selected your topic, provide a concise overview of what you've discovered about your experiences with that subject. Express your genuine feelings about the matter, as this authenticity allows readers to relate to your perspective potentially, enhancing their understanding of your paper. For instance, “Having watched a TEDx episode on Wim Hof, I reassessed my preconceptions about the adverse effects of cold exposure."

Step 2: Generate Ideas and Recall Experiences Related to Your Topic

Record specific quotes, personal predispositions, influential factors, or memorable incidents. Be personal and articulate your emotions in straightforward terms. For example:

  • Common belief: Even a small amount of carbohydrates leads to weight gain.
  • Personal experience: Struggling with excess weight, I completely avoided carbohydrates.
  • Consequences: The impact of my actions prompted further research.
  • Nutritional science studies: Examining claims that carbohydrates alone cause obesity.
  • Shifting perspective: Embracing a healthy diet with a balanced nutrient intake.
  • Influence of perceptions: Reflecting on others' views on the harm of carbohydrates.

Here are 200 more reflective essay topics to boost your topic brainstorming session.

Step 3: Analyze the Impact of Ideas and Experiences on Your Theme

Select an idea or experience from the previous step and delve into a detailed analysis. Provide your reasoning for agreeing or disagreeing with it. For instance:

  • Idea: Raised to believe that carbohydrates lead to weight gain.
  • Analysis: “Overcoming the misconception that any carbohydrate consumption results in weight gain, I conducted extensive research. Adopting the philosophy of 'everything in moderation' became key to a healthy lifestyle.”

Step 4: Establish Connections Among Observations, Experiences, and Opinions

Interconnect your ideas and insights to form a coherent picture for your theme. Recognize and deconstruct assumptions, challenging those that may be reconsidered in the future. Common subjects for reflective papers include books, courses, projects, and interviews.

For a book reflection, provide details about the author's biography, summarize the plot without revealing the ending, discuss characters and themes, and conclude with your thoughts. In a course reflection, include the course name and description, describe the course flow, explain your motivation for taking it, and share your learning experience with supported opinions.

Project reflections follow similar guidelines, incorporating pros and cons, desired changes, and relevance of acquired skills to real life. When reflecting on an interview, introduce the person, touch on the main points and controversies, and present your opinion.

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11 Tips for Writing a Reflection Paper

Below, we’d like to touch on several crucial reflection essay hints that will help you bring your writing to the next level.

Select a Thought-Provoking Topic

  • Choose a topic that genuinely resonates with you or challenges your perspectives to ensure a meaningful reflection.

Thoroughly Engage with the Material

  • Whether it's a book, lecture, or personal experience, immerse yourself fully to extract meaningful insights for your reflection.

Create a Clear Thesis Statement

  • Articulate the central idea of your reflective paper in a concise thesis statement that guides the reader through your perspective.

Structure Your Paper Effectively

  • Organize your thoughts logically with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Maintain a cohesive flow to enhance readability.

Incorporate Personal Anecdotes

  • Share personal experiences to provide context and authenticity to your reflection, allowing readers to connect on a deeper level.

Use Descriptive Language

  • Employ vivid and descriptive language to convey emotions and paint a clear picture of your thoughts and experiences.

Employ Critical Thinking

  • Analyze your reflections critically, examining underlying assumptions and considering alternative viewpoints to enrich your narrative.

Support Your Claims

  • Back up your reflections with specific examples, quotes, or references to strengthen your arguments and lend credibility to your perspective.

Balance Emotional Expression with Academic Tone

  • Maintain a balance between emotional expression and an academic tone to create a reflective piece that is both personal and intellectually engaging.

Consider Your Audience

  • Tailor your language and level of detail to your target audience, whether it's peers, instructors, or a broader readership.

Revise and Proofread

  • Take the time to review and refine your reflective paper. Correct any grammatical errors, ensure clarity, and confirm that your ideas are effectively communicated.

Reflection Paper Example for Students

In our experience, a beginner writer can benefit greatly from having an example of a personal reflection paper that contains practical advice for those who haven’t done this type of assignment before.

Embracing Vulnerability: A Personal Journey of Self-Discovery


In today's fast-paced world, vulnerability is often perceived as a weakness. However, my recent experiences have led me to reconsider this notion. This reflection explores my evolving understanding of vulnerability, inspired by Brené Brown's insightful TED Talk on the subject.

Brown's talk challenged my preconceptions about vulnerability and inspired me to delve into my own experiences. As I began to contemplate the role of vulnerability in my life, I discovered that it is not synonymous with weakness but rather a profound source of strength and connection.

Main Body

Brown's talk prompted me to reflect on my relationships. I realized that moments of vulnerability with loved ones fostered deeper connections. Sharing my fears and insecurities allowed for mutual understanding and strengthened bonds.

Applying Brown's insights to my professional life, I considered instances where admitting uncertainty or seeking help enhanced collaboration and problem-solving. Vulnerability, I found, fosters a supportive work environment.

Delving into my fear of judgment, I examined situations where vulnerability led to personal growth. By embracing imperfections and sharing my struggles, I not only found support but also encouraged others to open up.

My initial skepticism about vulnerability dissolved as I recognized its transformative power. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a courageous act that invites connection, understanding, and personal growth.


Brené Brown's exploration of vulnerability has profoundly impacted my outlook. Embracing vulnerability has become a cornerstone of my journey toward authenticity and self-discovery. It has reshaped my relationships, professional endeavors, and, most importantly, my relationship with myself. As I continue to navigate life with newfound courage, I am grateful for the lessons learned from embracing vulnerability.

FAQs about Reflection Paper

How Do I Start a Reflection Paper?

Begin by selecting a topic that resonates personally or challenges your perspectives. Introduce the main theme concisely in the opening paragraph, providing context for the reader. Engage the audience with a compelling anecdote, quote, or question that sets the tone for your reflective exploration. Finally, clearly state your thesis or central idea to guide the reader through your reflective journey.

How Long Should a Reflection Paper Be?

The ideal length for a reflective paper typically ranges between 300 to 700 words, but it ultimately depends on the assignment guidelines or instructor's specifications. Focus on expressing your thoughts concisely and ensuring that the paper thoroughly explores your reflections without unnecessary elaboration. Aim for a balance between depth and brevity, allowing your ideas to unfold naturally within the designated word count. Prioritize quality over quantity to create a meaningful and well-crafted paper.

How to Format a Reflection Paper?

Format your reflective paper following standard academic guidelines. Utilize a clear font such as Times New Roman or Arial in 12-point size, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Double-space the entire document for readability. Include a title that reflects the central theme of your paper. Cite sources appropriately if required, adhering to the citation style specified by your instructor, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

How to End a Reflection Paper?

Conclude your reflective paper by summarizing the key insights or lessons learned from your experiences. Revisit your thesis statement, highlighting its relevance in light of your reflections. Avoid introducing new ideas in the conclusion, focusing instead on leaving a lasting impression. Consider ending with a thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or an open-ended question to engage the reader and prompt further reflection.

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